- How exactly do I search the database for syndromes using the selected symptoms box?
- I cannot add symptoms to the Selected Symptoms list. Why?
- How can I find a particular tumor type I want to enter in the search profile? I cannot find the one I need.
- What is the difference between using the Find Narrow and the Find Wide buttons in the selected symptoms box?
- Why have you choosen this particular logo for FaCD?
- I want to refer to your database in a paper, how should I do this?
- How often will you update FaCD?
- Will you answer emailed questions on cancer family histories from cancer patients or their relatives?
- Q:How exactly do I search the database for syndromes using the selected symptoms box?
A: Click on Find syndromes in the menu on the left and then click on the line "how to search for syndromes" directly above the Selected symptoms box, this downloads a helpfile. Go to Top
- Q:I cannot add symptoms to the Selected Symptoms list. Why?
A:This 'error' is caused by settings in Internet Explorer (6). Adding www.familialcancerdatabase.nl to the list of 'trusted websites' under the Tools>Internet options>Security>Trusted sites tab solves that problem. A manual is given on the Microsoft web site. Go to Top
- Q: How can I find a particular tumor type I want to enter in the search profile? I cannot find the one I need
A: Try searching using the `find symptoms' search box. Not all tumor types have been included in FaCD, only those that were actually reported in connection with the syndromes/disorders have been entered in the database. Therefore, if we have not read and included one or more publications on a particular tumor type associated with genetic predisposition, then you won't find that tumor type listed in FaCD. Go to Top
- Q:What is the difference between using the Find Narrow and the Find Wide buttons in the selected symptoms box?
A: Pressing the Find Narrow button wil search the database for all disorders that are associated with all of the chosen symptoms . Pressing Find Wide will search for disorders associated or possibly associated with all of those symptoms. You can exclude particular symptoms in your selected symptoms box from a database search by checking the `ignore' option. Go to Top
- Q:Why have you choosen this particular logo for FaCD?
A: The FaCD logo is a combination of a pedigree and the historical symbol for cancer (zodiac sign): the crab. The crab symbol is used in logos of many anti-cancer leagues around the world. Our logo therefore symbolizes familial and hereditary cancer. Go to Top
- Q:I want to refer to your database in a paper, how should I do this?
A: You can choose to refer to our web site: www.facd.info or refer to our papers on FaCD, which you can download from our web site in the "About Us" section. Go to Top
- Q: How often will you update FaCD?
A: As often as feedback from the users and new scientific/clinical developments warrant it and our time allows it. Go to Top
- Q:Will you answer emailed questions on cancer family histories from cancer patients or their relatives?
A: No, we will not. Although we can imagine why families have contacted us in this manner and sympathize with them, genetic counseling should in our opinion not be performed by email. Patients and/or their relatives should consult an expert on clinical cancer genetics in their own region for counseling in an appropriate clinical setting. Go to Top
(date last modified: April 23, 2009)